Supporting Membership

Normally, we collect Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society (TSFS) membership dues as part of Chessiecon memberships. In year without a convention we rely on Supporting Memberships. A TSFS supporting membership is $21.00 per year. Deadline for 2023/2024 TSFS supporting memberships is December 1, 2023. Send $21 along with your name and address using any of the following payment methods:

  1. PayPal:
  2. Square: Send your email address to and we’ll send you a Square invoice.
  3. Personal check: Payable to: TSFS. Mail to TSFS, PO Box 83032 Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3032

The TSFS and Chessiecon are currently in a rebuilding phase. We are attempting to get together not only the financial resources to be able to hold another Chessiecon, but more importantly the active and imaginative people needed plan a convention.

This membership allows you a voice in the affairs of TSFS, including where you’d like to see TSFS take Chessiecon in the future.

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