The Future of TSFS and Chessiecon
At the December 1st TSFS Business Meeting the membership passed a motion to dissolve the corporation and dispose of its assets in an orderly fashion with six months.
Since Chessiecon 2023, we have been unable to muster the people and the finances to put on another convention or to continue the mission of TSFS in another form. We decided it was best to cherish the memories of past Chessiecons rather than struggle to recreate them. So let’s remember the Turkey Awards, the midnight Hallelujah chorus, the Time Travelers Ball, the concerts, and all the moments with friends. Farewell, Chessie.
Next TSFS Meeting is January 19, 2025
The next quarterly Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society (TSFS) Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 19, at 2pm. TSFS meetings are held on the TSFS Discord server. Look for the MEETINGS section, then #january-2025-business-meeting channel.
The major agenda item is officer elections. You must be a TSFS voting member to nominate and be nominated. We will also discuss the dispersal of TSFS assets.
All interested people may attend, but only TSFS voting members may vote on motions. See the Bylaws for the qualifications for voting members.
If you are not already a member of the TSFS Discord server, send your Discord ID to to request a server invitation link.
See you then.
Discord: TSFS server. Email: with your Discord ID for an invitation link