About Us
Chessiecon is a science fiction and fantasy convention put on by the Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society to continue in the tradition of DarkoverCon.
About TSFS
The Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society (TSFS) is a non-profit organization for people who are interested in science fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy, and related genres (SF/F) in all forms. TSFS was organized in September, 2013, following the unfortunate death of Jaelle of Armida, the much-beloved director of DarkoverCon for many years.
TSFS’s primary goals are to:
- promote SF/F, with particular attention to materials of and by women creators;
- provide forums for interested people and their friends to share their interest in SF/F;
- promote SF/F within the general populace.
About Chessiecon

Chessiecon emphasizes the work of women creators of science fiction and fantasy in literature and art. Chessiecon has over 200 hours of programming including writing, music, spiritual practices, gaming, art, and science. Come and browse the dealer room featuring an eclectic mix of handmade items, books, games, and more. Join in the traditional Turkey Awards and the Midnight Hallelujah Chorus. Cosplay is encouraged. In addition to filk and music programming, there will be open filk gatherings.
The convention is run entirely by volunteers. See the Volunteers page if you want to help.
Past Chessiecons
2014: Tamora Pierce, Tom Smith, Theresa Mather
2015: Seanan McGuire, Ursula Vernon, Heather Dale
2016: Sarah Pinsker, Tabitha Ladin, S. J. Tucker
2017: Ada Palmer, Megan Willis, T.J. Burnside Clapp
2018: Jo Walton, Dr. Mary Crowell
2019: not held
2020 (virtual): Charlie Jane Anders, Tom Smith
2021 (virtual): Danielle Ackley-McPhail